Fire : The Indomitable Core
অগ্নি ; 火 ; Φωτιά ; 불 ; Fire ; Agni
That's me.
29 year old designer. Liberal. Gemini, and ENFP, for those who care.
My friends tell me I am empathetic, idealistic, and a bit of a perfectionist. And I think they are correct.
Besides, how do you become an idealist, and not a perfectionist? Or vice versa?
Anyway, I just want to live up to my name.
Give warmth, show the way, light up the darkness.
Or carry.
Water : Interwoven Fates
The combination of being an Indian Bengali boy with a hardworking but traditional parent resulted in a not so
surprising outcome. I have spent most of my life studying to be a software developer, followed by being one.
However, when one gets an unexpected push in life, it makes one think. Turns out, 7
years in tech, is all I could take.
I quit my life in corporate computer science in early 2024, and
decided to give myself the space to figure out (at the risk of sounding extremely cliched) about what would
make me happy.
You see, I really enjoy everything about creating/building things. Creating art really gives me joy. But so
does building stuff with code. It's just the corporate stuff I wasn't totally into.
However, I feel that the word artist is perhaps too restricting. I want to be a designer. The next logical
prompt would be - design what?
The world.
Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. I see the world as an ever-moving, interwoven machine. All its
components, small and large, influence each other. So, by working on one, I am invariably bound to impact the
other. And that is what I want to do going forward. I want to be impactful.
Starting with well-thought out graphics, moving into products and processes, and then curricula.
Funnily enough, it seems that my 4 year degree in Computer
Science is going to come into clutch to understand how the world of design works.
Earth : Cradle of Expressions
Food. Clothes. Languages. Buildings. Climate. Markets.
Plants. Pets. Population. Ettiquettes. Families. Folktales.
Politics. Psychology. Math. Music. Architecture. Design.
The wind, the water, and the sky.
I strive to make my art reflective of the world, its intricacies, and the issues at hand. The whole world
inspires my work.
And the idea is to influence the whole world, in turn.
Wind : Ever-forward Journeys
One of my favourite characters from the world of gaming, Kaedehara Kazuha has a simple motto to deal with the
vicissitudes of life that cause him to stop: Kaze no yukusaki yo. To the destination of the wind.
Here are some of my upcoming projects: